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User scenarios
What features and functions do you expect from your MES system?
Do you need to solve specific needs and requirements?
Do you need to solve specific needs and requirements?
Build PHARIS according to your production requirements
You don’t have to pay for modules you don’t use.
PHARIS can be customized to your own requirements.

Choose from a list of scenarios
Of the countless possibilities of the MES PHARIS system, each company will use only a part of them. Therefore, to facilitate the search for information, we have prepared a list of so-called scenarios, which, similar to indexes, briefly describe the system’s capabilities.
List of scenarios
We recommend using basic words e.g. “digit” will give you more results than “digital”…
102. Digital documentation – Production documentation on terminals
MES PHARIS solves complex management and distribution of production documentation in electronic form directly to the workplace. The aim of this controlled process is to ensure that up-to-date and approved production documentation is readily available on the terminal screen with the MES PHARIS production client directly at the machine. Production documentation can be attached to many objects – machine, product, operation, maintenance… Documentation can be in many formats – PDF, DOCX, XLS, DWG, JPG, AVI… PHARIS system can be as a primary manager of production documentation, or it allows integration to third-party systems from where it takes documents – DMS, ERP, AGILE…
Required modules:
Production scheduling – Automatic production scheduling
MES PHARIS production scheduling is used to schedule the production of products released for production. The scheduling is based on predefined technological procedures, for which the expected time for individual operations, required materials and raw materials, types of equipment involved in the operations, etc. can be specified. Planning is carried out for defined resources – machines, workplaces, substitutable machines, additional equipment, taking into account the status of other resources (materials), the structure of people on shifts, or electricity tariff bands. Scheduling is influenced by the user setting of the schedule calculation parameters. The system displays to the user in a clear graphical form the already planned and ongoing orders interlaced on the timeline and calendars showing the milestones of individual operations. The display of the plan is made through the production machines (equipment). The system alerts the user to critical points and allows the user to change the input conditions for planning individual orders in a user-friendly way. PHARIS uses analytical and genetic algorithms (GA/AI) to automatically generate the production schedule.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
302. Production Release – Confirmation of production release
Operations may be required to be confirmed by persons with the relevant qualification (role). Confirmation is used, for example, to release production. The most common confirmations for production release include: material handler’s confirmation of material handling, checker’s confirmation of conformity to drawing, operator’s confirmation of workplace preparation, setter’s confirmation of machine setup, etc.
Required modules:
Standard in versions:
Pharis Professional, Pharis Ultimate
101. Custom enumeration types and catalogs
The system allows you to define your own user enumeration types that can then be used in different parts of the system (for example, to define values for Parameters, define flags for Notifications, detailed specifications for Job Registrations, etc.).
Required modules:
Core system
103. Definition of materials
In the material codebook, you can define the materials that enter production (input material, semi-finished products, dyes, packaging material, …) and that leave production (semi-finished products, products, waste). Materials are usually imported from ERP systems, or the material codebook can be managed directly in MES. Imported materials can be supplemented with data missing in ERP.
Required modules:
104. Definition of technological processes
The system allows manual creation of technological procedures or their import from ERP systems. Process procedures include the definition of operations, input materials (BOM), steps, parameters, file documentation, resource requirements (workplace, machines, tools, people), training requirements, packaging regulations and process conditions (links between operations, required confirmations, …). Imported technological procedures can be supplemented in the MES system with data that are missing in the ERP system – e.g. technological parameters from the equipment to be stored for a specific product variant, inspection plans, etc. For manual creation of technological procedures it is possible to use user predefined templates.
Required modules:
105. Creation and use of operation templates
When manually creating workflows, operation templates can be used to easily enter values that are repeated for different workflows. Also, when importing workflows from ERP, operation templates can be used for data that is not contained in ERP systems and is added in the MES system. Operation templates can be created by the user.
Required modules:
201. Incorporation of maintenance into the production planning process
Production is primarily planned for machines. If we are to plan maintenance, the two must necessarily meet. Any maintenance means machine downtime, from a planning point of view it creates a time window within which production cannot be planned. The APS module of PHARIS accounts for these downtimes and takes them into account in its calculation algorithm.
Required modules:
Production Maintenance Detailed scheduling - APS
202. Work calendars
Work calendars allow you to define the availability of machines, people and tools according to calendar time. Work calendars are primarily used for production scheduling. For machines, work calendars are also used to calculate OEE. Shifts, exceptions, standard calendars, exception calendars, etc. can be defined in calendars. Calendars can be shared for multiple resources or can be set individually for a single resource.
Required modules:
Core system
203. Automatic generation of production orders (MRP)
The module is designed for clients who do not generate production orders (orders) from received orders in the ERP system or use only the economic system of the Money or Pohoda category.
In such a case, MES PHARIS retrieves Orders from these systems, which contain information on the type of product, the required quantity and the expected delivery date. MES PHARIS is then able to automatically generate production orders based on orders, finished goods stock levels and minimum stock requirements. Rules can also be specified for optimum production batch, minimum production batch, stock levels, etc. MRP handles orders, forecasts, recalls.
Required modules:
Production Orders MRP
204. Manual creation of production orders
The user can create production orders from the received orders (imported from ERP or economic system of the Pohoda, Money category). The technological aspects of the production orders are taken from the technological procedures of the product. The link between orders and production orders allows to monitor the work in progress and the status of individual orders.
Required modules:
Production Orders MRP
205. Material consumption plan
Pre-prepared report with a list of required input material for individual machines in time periods. It is based on the production schedule.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production Orders MRP
206. Packaging consumption plan
Pre-prepared report with a list of required packaging for each machine in time periods. Based on the production schedule.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production logistics Production Detailed scheduling - APS
207. Personnel plan
Pre-prepared report with a list of required personnel of a given qualification in time slots. Based on the production schedule.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production Detailed scheduling - APS
208. Automatic production scheduling
MES PHARIS production scheduling is used to schedule the production of products released for production. The scheduling is based on predefined technological procedures, for which the expected time for individual operations, required materials and raw materials, types of equipment involved in the operations, etc. can be specified. Planning is carried out for defined resources – machines, workplaces, substitutable machines, additional equipment, taking into account the status of other resources (materials), the structure of people on shifts, or electricity tariff bands. Scheduling is influenced by the user setting of the schedule calculation parameters. The system displays to the user in a clear graphical form the already planned and ongoing orders interlaced on the timeline and calendars showing the milestones of individual operations. The display of the plan is made through the production machines (equipment). The system alerts the user to critical points and allows the user to change the input conditions for planning individual orders in a user-friendly way. PHARIS uses analytical and genetic algorithms (GA/AI) to automatically generate the production schedule.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
209. Manual interventions in production schedule
The planner has the ability to change the production plan by manual intervention. This mainly involves changing production orders (deadlines, pieces…), calculation parameters (priority, evaluation functions…), or changing availability (of equipment or personnel). In the resulting Gantt chart display, the system also allows easy shifting of operations in the form of “Drag & Drop”.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
210. Simulation of production schedule
The planner has the ability to simulate different production plans. Individual simulations can be saved and compared. The production plan can be influenced by manual interventions. This is mainly by changing production orders (deadlines, pieces…), calculation parameters (priority, evaluation functions…), or by changing availability (equipment or personnel). In the resulting Gantt chart display, the system also allows easy scrolling of operations in the form of “Drag&Drop”.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
211. Layout of transitions between operations
The system allows you to define the transition conditions between operations (sequences of operations, transport batches, transport times). Scheduling minimizes the amount and length of reordering between different productions. The system schedules the links between orders for semi-finished products and orders for finished products (which consume the semi-finished products, producers-consumers).
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
212. Inclusion of maintenance in production schedule
Production scheduling in MES PHARIS in combination with the Maintenance module can take into account maintenance requirements for equipment or tools in the production plan. The system is able to reduce the availability/availability of equipment, workstations or tools due to scheduled maintenance. The system alerts the responsible persons, for example, of the need for maintenance on equipment/tools on a scheduled job, who have the possibility to decide operatively how to react to this event – whether to accept the interruption of the job during production due to maintenance, or whether to postpone the maintenance to the start of the scheduled job.
Required modules:
Production Maintenance Detailed scheduling - APS
213. Resources limiting the production schedule
Among the limiting sources of MES PHARIS production scheduling are:
– materials (material orders, availability, semi-finished goods production),
– availability of machines and tools according to calendars with maintenance taken into account,
– availability of personnel according to the calendar – I schedule according to the structure of people on the shift,
– energy according to tariff bands.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
214. Přepočet rozvrhu pro část výroby
Production scheduling allows you to fix the schedule for defined groups of devices and recalculate the schedule only for the remaining devices. It is used in cases where the schedulers schedule only “their” production section, or different production sections are scheduled with different frequency, etc.
For example, I can schedule assembly lines/assemblies separately without affecting the schedule on the production equipment.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
215. Statistika a porovnání rozvrhů výroby
Production Schedule includes tools and reports for analyzing statistical data to compare generated schedules/simulations against each other. It is used by schedulers to select the optimal schedule according to their preferences.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
216. Tvorba fronty práce
Scheduled operations of production orders are automatically supplemented with scheduled start times and scheduled production equipment (machines, workstations) based on the approved schedule. Production orders are released chronologically to production, creating a work queue that is further distributed to foremen, foremen or operators at production terminals.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
217. Tvorba požadavků na materiál
The production schedule generates a list of material requirements, for which production equipment (machine, workplace), at what time and in what quantity input materials will be needed. This information can be transmitted online by MES PHARIS to external systems (ERP, WMS…). In MES PHARIS, a material requirements report is available that corresponds to the production plan.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
218. Export rozvržené výroby
Scheduled operations of production orders can be exported to external systems (ERP) via the standardized SCI communication interface.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
219. Report rozvržené výroby
Scheduled operations of production orders can be monitored in production plan reports. One example is the shift plan execution report, where the actual progress of the shift is compared with the shift plan. The production plan is also visualized in the form of a clear Gantt chart that supports easy drag & drop movement of scheduled production operations.
Required modules:
Production Detailed scheduling - APS
301. Poka Yoke control
In the “Poka Yoke Verification” downtime mode, the operator checks the Poka Yoke system at the workplace and records the result of the check.
Required modules:
303. Release of the first piece
A system for online communication between production (terminal) and quality staff for the purpose of releasing production. The machine operator does not have to physically visit the inspection site to request a production release or for inspection results. All necessary communication is done electronically. The inspection system can see the actual production release requests. The release result is transmitted online to the production terminal and communicated to the operator. Unreleased production is notified with higher priority.
Required modules:
304. Release of the workstation
Before starting production, a shift, or at the beginning of the day, the operator must clear the work area for production. This is most often accomplished by a semaphore of actions that the operator must perform and confirm. These tasks usually include checking the workplace, gauges, poka-yoke, 5S, OHS, material, etc. The release of the workplace is realized in the system by means of the confirmation of the operation.
Required modules:
305. Overview of production releases
All production releases are archived in the system and can be evaluated retrospectively. Production release information is available in individual work orders as well as in individual operations and production orders. In summary, production releases can then be displayed in user reports.
Required modules:
306. Production blocking
If the required production release confirmations are not made, then the registrations for that (unreleased) production can be blocked.
Required modules:
401. Alarm data from machines
The PHARIS MES system allows you to set alarm limits of technological parameters for a specific product (in the context of a production operation) for a machine, or control station or peripheral device. During production, the actual value is then automatically checked against the set limits. An alarm system can be used to alert the operator if the limits are exceeded. The process parameters or measurement parameters can be downloaded automatically to the MES system, or manual input by the operator according to predefined control plan rules can be required directly from the production terminal.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
402. Alarms and change protocols from machines
MES PHARIS offers automatic transfer of generated Alarm and Change Logs from the machine control system.
These logs are then available in the main MES PHARIS client for subsequent evaluation directly in the office without the need to go to the machine.
The event of a machine generating a Change Log can be linked to the MES PHARIS Alarm System.
Required modules:
Production monitoring
403. Alarm system
Alarm system in accordance with ANSI/ISA-18.2. The system helps identify and signal events that require attention and action. Alarms are categorized (alarms, alerts) and prioritized to minimize the risk of overloading management personnel with unnecessary alarms. Alarms are based on data tags collecting information from machines, gauges, sensors and from operators (operators, adjusters, maintainers, inspectors) in production. Alarms are triggered based on the fulfilment of user conditions.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Data collection
404. Overview of alarms
The alarm overview is used to monitor, evaluate and respond to alarm conditions. Alarms are categorized (alarms, alerts) and prioritized to minimize the risk of overloading personnel with unnecessary alarms. Alarms are managed to ensure that they are processed efficiently and quickly. The alarm overview provides information on the type of alarm, alarm status, time and reason for the alarm, alarm priority, alarmed entity, production equipment related to the alarm, etc. For alarm acknowledgement, it is possible to attach a note for further alarm analysis.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Data collection
405. Alarm for operation parameters
Alarm conditions in an ANSI/ISA-18.2 alarm system can be defined on a product-by-product basis. The definition of product-specific conditions is done in the process parameters. The triggered alarms are then automatically entered into the alarm system.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production Data collection
406. Record of downtimes
The system supports manual management of downtime type dials. Alternatively, downtime dials can be retrieved from the ERP system via the standardized SCI communication interface.
Downtime can be initiated in several ways:
Manual initiation and termination of downtime by the operator via the production terminal.
Automatic downtime – the system allows automatic initiation of downtime in case of machine inactivity – e.g. if the System does not receive information about a cycle within 2 times the normative cycle time, the System will automatically initiate downtime. The system can automatically read the machine status from smarter machines via the control system including the specific type of downtime e.g. lack of material in the machine.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
407. Manual record of downtimes
The system allows manual starting and ending of downtimes and their typing from a predefined downtime dial. Downtime can be filtered by equipment/workplace or operator role.
Manual downtime handling is mainly used where automatic downtime setting is not possible. These are primarily manual assembly/assembly workstations where the System does not collect cycles from the workstation. Downtime also enters into the evaluation of OEE equipment efficiency, operator performance and downtime statistics.
Required modules:
408. Automatic record of downtimes
The PHARIS system allows you to set Automatic Downtime. Automatic downtime is initiated by the system in case of machine inactivity – e.g. if the System does not receive information about the cycle within 2 times the normative cycle time, the System automatically initiates the downtime. From smarter machines, the System can automatically read the machine status via the control system including the specific type of downtime e.g. lack of material in the machine. After receiving the cycle information again, or the corresponding signal from the machine control system, the system automatically terminates the downtime. Automatic downtime plays an important role especially for machines running in a regular production cycle.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
409. Recording micro-downtimes
The system enables automatic recording of equipment micro-stops, which can result in significant losses with a large number of production devices. The length of micro downtime is user-definable in the System, i.e. the customer chooses how long the machine downtime is important for evaluation.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
410. Alarm for ongoing downtimes
The occurrence of downtime on the device can be graphically displayed on the visualization screen in production (e.g. by changing the color or flashing) and then linked to the Alarm System, which provides notification/alarm to a predefined operator/role in the form of an internal system message, SMS, email, pager message, etc.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
411. Record of interrupted operations
The system provides information for evaluating downtime losses by machine used and interrupted orders.
Data can be sent to ERP where financial evaluation can be performed. According to the cost of the machine or the cost of the product, see interrupted order. Downtime is machine downtime, and an interrupted order is an order interrupted by downtime.
Required modules:
412. Work queue
The work queue displays the production orders / jobs to be processed at a given workplace in chronological order according to the plan. The work queue is primarily used to register operators (adjuster, operator, inspection, etc.) for scheduled operations (production orders). The work queue is displayed to the operator on the production terminals. The work queue can be filtered according to the location of the terminal in production, the logged equipment or the tools deployed.
Required modules:
413. Registration by work queue
The operator registers to the production order or job by selecting the operation from the job queue displayed on the production terminal. It is mainly used in the case of full digitalization of production. Alternatively, it is possible to register by reading a barcode or QR code of a maximally simplified production order guide.
Required modules:
414. Registration by shifts
Registration by rotation is the maximum simplification of the operator’s interaction with the production terminal, which in a simplified mode takes over the registration for the production order / order after the previous operator.
Required modules:
415. Registration by reading accompanying document or item
The operator registers to the production order or order by reading the barcode or QR code of the simplified production order guide. Alternatively, it is possible to register by selecting an operation from the work queue displayed on the production terminal. It is mainly used in the case of full digital production.
Required modules:
416. Bulk registrations and work deductions
Optimization when recording multiple simultaneous productions by one person.
Required modules:
417. Bulk registration of multiple operations
MES PHARIS enables the so-called bulk registration within the operator registration for production order operations. The bulk registration functionality offers operator registration for multiple production order operations on different devices within the same production unit. Bulk registration is used especially in the context of multiple machine operators – the user does not waste time with individual registrations on multiple devices. Instead of the standard selection of a machine and operation, other VP operations are offered to the user after the operation code is loaded, and the user can select which operations to perform bulk registration on.
Required modules:
418. Bulk work deductions
Work deductions for concurrent registrations for the production of one person can be made in bulk.
Required modules:
419. Registration of auxiliary operators
The PHARIS system automatically records the operator’s human time based on registrations for production orders or orders. In the case when more than one operator is working on one production order at the same time, the registration is performed by the foreman who is responsible for the registration and the other operators are identified by reading their personal card as auxiliary operators. This provides an automatic mechanism for the correct calculation of human time for subsequent evaluation. The total man hours can be sent to the ERP system via the standardised SCI communication interface together with the labour input, where they are used to refine the costing of production.
Required modules:
420. Interface for launching external applications directly from the operator terminal
The production operator terminal usually runs only the MES PHARIS production client. For the purpose of entering data into external systems or displaying data from external systems, the functionality of calling an external application from the MES PHARIS production client can be used. The external application is opened in the context of the currently processed production. For example, the PALSTAT application can be used for SPC evaluation and can be launched from the MES PHARIS terminal with the parameters operator ID, product and production operation.
Required modules:
421. Product-driven production
In the case where production is product-driven, the operator does not perform registration by selecting a production command operation, but initiates registration by reading a unique identifier on the product. Once the piece is loaded, the system allows the correct, released settings to be uploaded to the machine and the current production context to be displayed on the production terminal – production documentation, production steps…
Required modules:
422. Just In Time (JIS)
Management and control of the production of individual products in the prescribed sequence. It falls under the principles of Just In Time (JIT) production.
Required modules:
423. Verification of the correct sequence of products (JIT)
The system checks whether the individual products are processed in the prescribed sequence.
Required modules:
424. Verification of the correct item (JIT)
The system checks whether the loaded piece corresponds to the registered production.
Required modules:
425. Quality control of the item (JIT)
The system checks whether an OK piece has been produced and included in the sequence.
Required modules:
426. Placement of part in correct location in packaging (JIS)
The system prescribes the position in the packaging unit where the piece should be placed.
Required modules:
427. Addition of part to sequence (JIS)
The system handles piece failures in the sequence and adding pieces to the sequence.
Required modules:
428. Requalification of parts at final inspection
Using a production mini client (PDA), pieces that have been found to be non-conforming can be retrained and removed from packaging. The system also allows for the reordering of incomplete packaging resulting from the rejection of non-conforming pieces. Pieces with unique identification and pieces without unique identification can be retrained and moved.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
429. Quantity control by weighing parts
The quantity of pieces in the packaging units can be verified by weighing the packaging unit. In the system, a single piece weight standard can be created, which is further used for weighing product packages. The system provides the operator with instructions on how many pieces to insert or remove in the package to achieve the desired number of pieces in the package.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production Data collection
430. Replenishing packaging unit
When incomplete packaging units are filled, the correct type of products contained is checked. The risk of misplacing a piece in the packaging in the process of repositioning the packaging unit or replenishing the packaging unit is eliminated.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
431. Visualization screens
The visualization screens of the PHARIS production information system are a tool (SCADA) that visually informs about the current state of production. Visualization screens are primarily designed for display on large screens on the production floor. The visualisation screens are created using a user editor, so it is entirely up to the customer what information they want to have available online. The screens can take various forms, ranging from the layout of the production hall, to schematic representations of machines, to tables, graphs and graphical signalling. Typically, the screens display the current status of the machines (production, adjustment, downtime, unscheduled, maintenance…), work in progress, slippage, current scrap rate, approaching end of job, performance, trend, operators, tools, process parameters, etc.
The screens also allow graphical representation of alarms, notifications, activated rules – e.g. flashing of an object when approaching the end of a job, or calling an operator. The visualisation screen is represented by a web page with a user-defined refresh interval (e.g. 10 s). It is therefore accessible not only on the screens in production, but from any PC, tablet or mobile phone.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
432. Automatic message sending
Critical situations in production can be highlighted by sending a message. Messages are sent automatically when a defined condition is met. After the condition is evaluated, a message (internal system message, mail, SMS, pager, …) is automatically sent to the selected recipients. The system contains a set of predefined messages for the most common situations in production.
Required modules:
Core system
433. Manual message sending
Within the system you can manually send messages (internal system message, mail, SMS, pager, …) to other users. Production terminal operators may only send predefined messages to predefined recipients. Messages can be addressed not only to users or groups of users, but also, for example, to a workplace or a machine. The message is then displayed to the person logged on to the production terminal at the workstation or machine.
Required modules:
Core system
434. Notifications
The paging system is used to digitally communicate with production staff. The primary purpose of the paging system is to call people with given qualifications and responsibilities to production workstations and machines to perform a specific activity. Examples include calling a material handler to remove material, calling a setter to eliminate downtime, calling an operator to continue production, etc. Calls are usually manually invoked from the production terminal. In addition to manual call-outs, there are also automatic call-outs (e.g., calling the adjuster before a production change). When an alert is triggered, the purpose of the call can be specified in more detail (by text, by selecting from a list, etc.). The time until the caller arrives is recorded for further escalation and evaluation purposes.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
435. Production notifications (Andon)
“In addition to alarms, the System includes a set of notification functionalities and follow-up scenarios. Notifications extend the alarm system and are primarily intended for recipients on the production floor. They are triggered by production staff or by automatically set mechanisms.
Notifications are used to inform about the status of production, to alert about problems in production and triggered requests.
Depending on the type and recipient, notifications are implemented by displaying on the production terminal directly at the workplace, by a message (system, mail, SMS, pager) or by a large screen, or by a combination of a sent message and information on a large screen.”
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
436. Notification of upcoming production change
The system effectively monitors the approaching end of the contract. The aim is to support the SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) method as much as possible, i.e. to synchronize production flows in order to minimize tool, machine or equipment changeover times. The challenge is to reduce the overhead associated with the changeover and ensure efficient preparation of the workplace, equipment or tool, e.g. timely drying of material, mould tempering, preparation of hoses and peripherals, etc. Notification/alerting of the approaching end of the job is carried out via production terminals directly at the workplace or globally for all workplaces by graphic visualisation on large screens on the hall or e.g. in the master room.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
437. Calling personnel (to the workplace)
The system effectively addresses the possibility of calling selected professions/roles by the operator directly to the workplace. The usual called professions are inspection, quality, adjuster, manipulator, or IT. Individual calls are notified. The system automatically records call lengths, response times. The solution also includes the possibility of escalating the call in case of failure to respond in time.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
438. Recording response time of called personnel
The system measures the time from the start of the call to the arrival of the required person at the workplace/machine.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
439. Escalation of called personnel response time
The system measures the time from the start of the call to the arrival of the required person at the workplace/machine. In case the response time exceeds the set limits, the escalation system is activated, the behaviour of which can be set by the user.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
440. Visualization of production status (layout)
The visualization screens of the PHARIS production information system are a tool (SCADA) that visually informs about the current state of production. Visualization screens are primarily designed for display on large screens on the production floor. The visualisation screens are created using a user editor, so it is entirely up to the customer what information they want to have available online. The screens can take various forms, ranging from the layout of the production hall, to schematic representations of machines, to tables, graphs and graphical signalling. Typically, the screens display the current status of the machines (production, adjustment, downtime, unscheduled, maintenance…), work in progress, slippage, current scrap rate, approaching end of job, performance, trend, operators, tools, process parameters, etc.
The screens also allow graphical representation of alarms, notifications, activated rules – e.g. flashing of an object when approaching the end of a job, or calling an operator. The visualisation screen is represented by a web page with a user-defined refresh interval (e.g. 10 s). It is therefore accessible not only on the screens in production, but from any PC, tablet or mobile phone.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
441. Visualization of production status (terminal)
The current status of the machine (production, adjustment, downtime, unscheduled, maintenance…) can be visually identified by the colouring of the work area of the production terminal (Andon).
Required modules:
442. Definition of packaging rules
PHARIS provides full process support for label printing in a modern way – on-site. The aim is to make the handling of labels as efficient as possible and, above all, to prevent confusion, which in many cases leads to costly claims. Packaging recipes can be created for products directly in the process flow in MES PHARIS, or MES automatically retrieves packaging recipes from the ERP system via the standardized SCI communication interface. Packaging recipes contain the capacities of packaging units (case, KLT…) or pallet units. The management of packaging regulations in PHARIS is a very complex set of functionalities and scenarios. The system works with user-prepared packaging and pallet label templates, packaging prescription prioritization, alternative packaging prescriptions, number series generation, working with incomplete units, replenishment, intra-unit transfers, etc.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
443. Preparation of packaging and pallet label templates
The PHARIS system contains tools for creating and editing individual label templates for different products, customers. Packaging and pallet label templates are based on established standards, mainly VDA, GTL and others.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
444. Business parameters
It is possible to assign so-called business parameters to each order. The system then offers the possibility of evaluating production orders according to the parameters agreed upon at the conclusion of the deal against the parameters defined in the technological production preparation (TPV) and against the parameters actually achieved during production. The evaluation provides a view of the expected and actual parameters of the production order. It assesses the planned/actual production quality, planned/actual optimum production batch, planned/actual machine cycle time, planned/total machine clamping force, planned/actual length of adjuster intervention, etc.
It is important that the evaluation of these business parameters is possible during production in on-line mode, not after production has been completed, when it is no longer possible to intervene in production.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
445. Simplified recording of auxiliary operators
Recording the work of the auxiliary operator (without the need for interaction of the auxiliary operator with the production terminal).
Required modules:
446. Setup registration
The adjuster registers for a production order or job by selecting the operation from the job queue displayed on the production terminal and selects the option to register for adjustment. It is mainly used in full digital production. Alternatively, it is possible to register for setup by reading a barcode or QR code of a maximally simplified production order guide.
Based on the registration, the PHARIS system records the length of setup time and the identification of the setter.
The system can compare the set adjustment standard in the process flow with the actual adjustment time in real time. A warning can be set if this standard is exceeded. The setter has additional options such as records of set-up pieces, tool set-up, tool cavity adjustment, records of consumed material, over-consumption… Setting time can be sent to the ERP system via the standardized SCI communication interface.
Required modules:
447. Tool deployment recording
The adjuster has the option to register the deployment of the tool as part of his adjustment registration. The tool is offered to the adjuster for the combination of production order, product, machine. The system offers the possibility to limit the deployment to the prescribed equipment and the prescribed production. The deployment can be done via the production terminal or via android mini client (PDA, mobile phone). Deploying a tool results in a so-called change of the tool location to the “machine” location. This change of location functionality can also be used to track the movement of the mould e.g. maintenance, position in the warehouse etc. For the identification of moulds it is possible to use e.g. RFID identification, where we use high temperature RFID chips. Once the tool is deployed, cycles from the machine are automatically assigned to the specific tool. This has implications for automatic generation of maintenance requests, production scheduling, etc. After the tool has been deployed, the setter has the possibility to modify the tool cavity in the system or upload the program (setup parameters) to the machine.
Required modules:
448. Recording of excessive consumption
The system enables the registration of consumed material, including its batch. The operator has the possibility to enter excess consumption that is beyond the normal normative consumption, e.g. material consumed during adjustment. In the PHARIS system it is possible to set up automatic sending of consumed material to the ERP system together with the work deduction.
Required modules:
449. Recording of setup and defective parts
For each product it is possible to define the number of start-up pieces and the mode of their registration in the technological procedure. It is possible to systematically prevent the inclusion of set-up and run-up OK and NOK pieces among the manufactured pieces.
Required modules:
450. Recording of setup technician’s work time
Based on the registration, PHARIS records the length of the setup time and the setter’s identification. The system is able to compare in real time the set standard for adjustment in the technological procedure with the actual adjustment time. A warning can be set if this standard is exceeded. Statistics are available in the System to evaluate the efficiency of the setters from many aspects – view through setters, machine, jobs… The outputs from the statistics can be used as a data source for creating standards.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
451. Production registration
By registering to production, PHARIS creates a logical link of a production order / job to a specific workplace and operator. Within the registration, the operator sees the complete context of the running order on the production terminal and in a simplified user environment records related information about the order – non-conformities, material consumption, control steps, confirmations, etc.
Required modules:
452. Recording of operator’s work time
The PHARIS system automatically records the operator’s human time based on registrations to production orders or orders. At the same time, the system includes mechanisms for calculating and evaluating human time in multi-machine operation. The human time can be sent to the ERP system via the standardized SCI communication interface together with the labour input, where it is used to refine the production costing.
Required modules:
453. Recording of completed production
The production terminals are also used to record the quantity of OK and NOK pieces produced (for a given operation, production order, product). If technologically possible, the produced pieces are automatically loaded into the production order/order based on the machine cycles. The PHARIS system allows to define a cavity/multiplicity within the technological process, which can be adjusted by the authorized person usually within the adjustment according to the actual machine settings. The number of pieces produced is calculated by PHARIS as the number of cycles multiplied by the defined cavity. The pieces produced are loaded into OK pieces within the registration to the production order and the operator has the possibility to reclassify these pieces into NOK. If it is a manual workstation (usually assembly), the OK and NOK pieces produced are entered manually by the operator. Alternatively, the cycle time can be considered as the cycle length, e.g. the time interval between the reading of the barcode of the penultimate and the last piece.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
454. Definition of types of defective production
The PHARIS system allows the creation and management of dials of types of non-conformities that may occur on a specific product or equipment. These dials can be managed directly in MES PHARIS, or they are loaded automatically from the ERP system via the standardized SCI communication interface. Operators then have the ability to reclassify OK pieces to NOCs via the production terminal and easily assign a specific defect type for subsequent quality evaluation. The PHARIS system also supports the additional re-qualification of NOK pieces from the main client or e.g. as part of a separate quality control operation.
Required modules:
455. Recording of consumed material
The system enables the registration of consumed material, including its batch. The consumption can be calculated automatically as normative according to the predefined material consumption within the technological process multiplied by the number of produced pieces. Or the system allows the operator to enter the consumption manually via the production terminal. Furthermore, the operator has the possibility to enter excess consumption that is beyond the normal normative consumption, e.g. material consumed during adjustment. In the PHARIS system it is possible to set up automatic sending of consumed material to the ERP system together with the work deduction.
Required modules:
456. Central management of machine control programs
Centralization of control programs/machine settings in MES PHARIS offers a unified, controlled management of versions and variants of control programs. The system also automatically takes care of the controlled upload of the correct version to the respective machine. The registration of machine control programs is possible in the context of:
– Machines.
– Tools/forms.
– Production command operations. The MES system is then able to provide in a controlled manner:
– Download the program from the machine.
– Upload the program to the machine.
– Upload the program to the machine in the context of a production operation.
– Upload the program to the machine in the context of a form on the machine. Central program management is implemented in MES PHARIS with the requirements of the quality management standards of suppliers to the automotive industry. Within the framework of these standards, it meets the requirements for the registration, approval and centrally controlled distribution of programs to/from machines and equipment.
Required modules:
Production Extended communication with machines
457. Simultaneous production
Support for different variants of concurrent production.
Required modules:
458. Multiple products on one machine
Support and optimization of simultaneous production of different products on one machine. For example, left-right parts, multi-cavity moulds, etc.
Required modules:
459. One operator on multiple machines
Support and optimization of production records performed by one person on multiple machines simultaneously.
Required modules:
460. Multiple operators on one machine
Support and optimization of production records carried out by several people on one machine.
Required modules:
461. Graphical view of technological value development
MES PHARIS contains a dynamic graphical component Trends. It allows the user to create any number of graphs divided into individual tabs. By means of custom modifications it is possible to select any technological parameter or predefined group of parameters for each chart. The graphic component also enables on-line display, i.e. it mirrors in real time the technological values that are currently on the machines. This mode is widely used by technologists to monitor and modify machine behaviour, e.g. in case of increased scrap.
Required modules:
Extended communication with machines Data collection
501. Request for material delivery
A system for managing the transport of materials between production sites and warehouses. Material handling requirements are created digitally. Production operators, handlers and warehousemen have an overview of the current status of material requirements using production terminals, desktop computers or tablets. The operator enters requests on the production terminal for the shipment of input material to the current production or to the next production. The operator can use the production client to monitor the status of all material requests to his/her workstation/machine.
Required modules:
Production Material logistics
502. Request for material pickup
A system for managing the transport of materials between production sites and warehouses. Material handling requirements are created digitally. Production operators, handlers and warehousemen have an overview of the current status of material requirements using production terminals, desktop computers or tablets. The operator enters requests at the production terminal for the removal of manufactured products, non-conforming pieces, waste, materials for recycling, … The operator can monitor the status of all material removal requests from his/her workplace/machine using the production client.
Required modules:
Production Material logistics
503. Execution of material picking
A system for managing the transport of materials between production sites and warehouses. Material handling requirements are created digitally. Production operators, handlers and warehousemen have an overview of the current status of material requirements using production terminals, desktop computers or tablets. The warehouseman processes material requirements. He or she removes the requested material (adjusts the quantity to be dispensed, confirms the removal, prints identification labels) and delivers the material to the specified dispensing point.
Required modules:
Production Material logistics
504. Execution of material delivery
A system for managing the transport of materials between production sites and warehouses. Material handling requirements are created digitally. Production operators, handlers and warehousemen have an overview of the current status of material requirements using production terminals, desktop computers or tablets. Handlers monitor materials in the system as they are ready to be delivered to the machine at the dispensing point. The picked and loaded material is checked and assigned to a given handler. Once the material has been delivered to the designated machine, the correct delivery is confirmed by reading the material and the machine.
Required modules:
Production Material logistics
505. Execution of material pickup
A system for managing the transport of materials between production sites and warehouses. Material handling requirements are created digitally. Production operators, handlers and warehousemen have an overview of the current status of material requirements using production terminals, desktop computers or tablets. Handlers track materials in the system as they are ready to be taken away from the machine. These can be manufactured products, non-conforming pieces, waste, materials to be recycled, etc. By retrieving the material, it is processed and recorded for removal from the machine.
Required modules:
Production Material logistics
506. Automatic inventory of production
In the system, it is possible to set up the stacking of packaging or pallet units with manufactured pieces. This can be done fully automatically, for example with label printing. The stacking information is sent to the ERP/WMS system.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
507. Manual inventory of production
It is possible to set up stacking of packaging or pallet units in the system. This can also be done manually, most often using the PHARIS mobile mini-client (android client usually running on a PDA or mobile phone). The stacking information is sent to the ERP/WMS system.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
508. Record of packaging and pallet units
Records of packaging and pallet units are kept on the basis of packaging regulations, which are part of the TPV (Technological Preparation of Production). Packaging regulations are assigned to individual products. Packaging can be filled automatically or manually. Records of packaging and pallet units with a link to production ensure traceability of production (traceability of product data).
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
509. Printing labels for packaging and pallet units
The system automatically alerts you to print the label when the packaging unit or pallet is filled. The operator ideally prints the labels on a local printer at the workplace, or central printers can be used, but there is a risk of label mix-ups. In the case of a fully manual workplace, e.g. assembly or picking, label printing is initiated directly by the operator.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
510. Printing labels for replenished packaging and pallet units
Printing labels for replenished packaging units.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
511. Generating numbers for packaging and pallet units
The PHARIS system enables automatic generation of number series for packaging and pallet units. The system also offers the possibility of using pre-generated number series (pre-printed labels).
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
512. Pre-generating numbers for packaging and pallet units
Possibility to use pre-generated numbers (pre-printed labels) of packaging and pallet units.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
513. Replenishing packaging units
MES PHARIS allows for systemic replenishment of incomplete packaging units. This is also possible on the basis of another production order, which is issued for the same product.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
514. Production order accompanying document
Pre-prepared report serving as a print template for printing paper production guides. As part of the digitisation of production, paper guides are often reduced to the form of a “barcode carrier”. The barcodes are then used to quickly and accurately identify a production order, operation, etc.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
515. Moving products between packaging units
To ensure traceability, the PHARIS production information system enables the management of the “repackaging” process – i.e. the controlled movement of products between packaging units. The functionality is available on the android mobile PHARIS mini client.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
516. Moving packaging units between pallet units
To ensure traceability, the system also offers the possibility of controlled transfer of packaging units between pallets. The functionality is available on the android mobile PHARIS mini client.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
517. Moving packaging and pallet units between warehouses
The system offers support for moving packaging or pallet units between warehouses. The transfer is usually initiated via the PHARIS mobile mini-client.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
518. Record of warehouses
The PHARIS system has a stored image of warehouses and stock of materials imported from the warehouse management (WMS, ERP).
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
519. Material dispatch
“It is possible to set up material removal in the system. This can be done fully automatically – e.g. with work input to the ERP system or WMS, or manually, most often using the PHARIS mobile mini-client (android client running usually on a PDA or mobile phone).
When stocking materials, it is possible to take into account normative material consumption, stocked input components, entered over-consumption, manually entered consumption by operators…
The MES system allows stocking specific batches of materials that have been loaded at the start of the production operation.”
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
601. Standardized Communication Interface (SCI) for integration with external systems
The PHARIS MES system includes a standardized communication interface for integration with third-party systems (ERP, Economic System, WMS, ACS, QMS…). It is based on the ANSI/ISA-95 standard for the integration of business and management information systems. Communication is primarily based on web services (WS) with support for other communication methods (DB, IDoc, …). Within the projects we have integrated a wide range of systems into the MES system – e.g. SAP, HELIOS, K2, QI, KARAT, ES POHODA, NAVISION, S3, BYZNYS, ENTRY, OR…
Required modules:
Core system
602. Bi-directional upload/download of control programs to/from machines
For uploading control programs to/from machines, MES/MOM includes a wide range of communication drivers – e.g. Euromap63, Euromap77, OPC UA, OPC DA, Modbus, Profibus, MTConnect, RS232, USB, ETH… Centralization of control programs/machine settings in MES PHARIS offers a unified controlled management of versions and variants of control programs. The system also automatically takes care of the controlled upload of the correct version to the respective machine. The registration of machine control programs is possible in the context of:
– Machines.
– Tools/forms.
– Production order operations. The MES system is then able to provide in a controlled manner:
– Download the program from the machine.
– Upload the program to the machine.
– Upload the program to the machine in the context of a manufacturing operation.
– Upload the program to the machine in the context of a form on the machine. Central program management is implemented in MES PHARIS with the requirements of the quality management standards of suppliers to the automotive industry. Within the framework of these standards, it meets the requirements for the registration, approval and centrally controlled distribution of programs to/from machines and equipment.
Required modules:
Extended communication with machines Data collection
For integration with other systems, the REST API allows access to data in MES PHARIS. Unlike the Standard Interface, it allows you to access live data.
Required modules:
Core system
604. API for creating customer plugins
The API allows you to create a plug-in that can extend standard processes with customer-specific actions. The API is accessed through DLL libraries that provide an interface for plug-ins. The API is only available for the .NET environment.
Required modules:
Core system
605. Collection of cycles from machines
The MES PHARIS system includes a wide range of communication drivers for communication with machines, peripheral devices, control stations, gauges, scales, optical gates, etc. For communication, the MES system integrates a set of different communication protocols – e.g. Euromap63, Euromap77, OPC UA, OPC DA, Modbus, Profibus, MTConnect, Printerport, RS232, USB, ETH, Digital cards, Analog cards… If the machine/device allows it, we recommend to use PHARIS for automatic cycle collection. This significantly improves the accuracy of operator reporting, job recording and performance evaluation. Cycle time information is a very important variable for digitalisation and efficient production management! The cycle (stroke) of a machine is most often used for automatic retrieval of the quantity of pieces produced, registration of production and adjustment pieces, tool management, maintenance management of machines and tools, standardization of production cycles, evaluation of machine or operator efficiency, generation of automatic downtime, etc.
Required modules:
Data collection
606. Collection of technological parameters from machines
The MES PHARIS system includes a wide range of communication drivers for communication with machines, peripheral devices, control stations, gauges, scales, optical gates, etc. For communication, the MES system integrates a set of different communication protocols – e.g. Euromap63, Euromap77, OPC UA, OPC DA, Modbus, Profibus, MTConnect, Printerport, RS232, USB, ETH, Digital cards, Analog cards… MES system on-line evaluates collected process data from production equipment, peripheral devices, control stations… At the same time, it ensures their historization for traceability.
Data can be stored not only for a device or tool, but also in the context of a manufacturing operation for a specific product, thus contributing to ensure traceability in terms of compliance with technological parameters.
Required modules:
Data collection
607. Record of completed machine cycles
If the machine/equipment allows it, we recommend using PHARIS for automatic cycle collection. This significantly improves the accuracy of operator reporting, work records and performance evaluation. Cycle time information is a very important variable for digitalisation and efficient production management! The cycle (stroke) of a machine is most often used for automatic retrieval of the quantity of pieces produced, registration of production and adjustment pieces, tool management, maintenance management of machines and tools, standardization of production cycles, evaluation of machine or operator efficiency, generation of automatic downtime, etc.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
608. Record of machine working hours
The system enables automatic recording of production hours, which are systematically assigned not only to the machine but also to the tool. The machine hours can then be entered into user predefined conditions for automatic generation of maintenance requests.
Required modules:
Data collection
609. Data historization
The MES system evaluates on-line the collected technological data from production equipment, peripheral devices, control stations…
Data can be stored not only for a device or a tool, but also in the context of a production operation for a specific product, thus contributing to traceability in terms of compliance with technological parameters.
Required modules:
Data collection
610. Data support for BI tools (Power BI)
PHARIS provides a pre-packaged set of data sources that can be used directly as a data source for BI tools such as Power BI. This data is used for reporting at a higher level of aggregation, i.e. mainly for creating composite indicators from sub-systems – MES, ERP, WMS, Attendance, etc.
Required modules:
Core system
611. Data sets for user reports (Reporting Services)
PHARIS offers support for user creation of operational reports, print reports and labels. Data sets are available for accessing production data so that it is not necessary to know the structure of the entire database. Unlike data views for BI, these are used to access operational data. In the Reporting services technology, reports can be integrated directly into the PHARIS MES environment, including the operator terminal. Customer reports can also run as a screensaver on the production terminal – e.g. OEE, hourly workplace performance, etc.
Required modules:
Core system
612. Data collection from measuring devices
The MES PHARIS system includes a wide range of communication drivers for communication with machines, peripheral devices, control stations, gauges, scales, optical gates, etc. For communication, the MES system integrates a set of different communication protocols – e.g. Euromap63, Euromap77, OPC UA, OPC DA, Modbus, Profibus, MTConnect, Printerport, RS232, USB, ETH, Digital cards, Analog cards… The PHARIS MES system allows to set alarm limits of technological parameters for a specific product (in the context of a manufacturing operation) for a machine, or a control station or peripheral device. The actual value is then automatically checked against the set limits during production. An alarm system can be used to alert the operator if the limits are exceeded. The process parameters or measurement parameters can be downloaded automatically to the MES system, or manual input by the operator according to predefined control plan rules can be required directly from the production terminal.
Required modules:
Data collection
613. Record of completed tool (mold) cycles
Also for tools (moulds) that do not have any connectivity with control systems, it is possible to collect the production cycles performed. Automatic cycle counting is mainly used for maintenance purposes.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
614. Record of tool (mold) working hours
Also for tools (moulds) that do not have any connectivity with control systems, it is possible to collect the hours worked. The automatic counting of motor hours is mainly used for maintenance purposes.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
701. Taking parts into OEE evaluation
Pieces that have been manufactured outside the period covered by the registration and for which cycle times and lengths are not precisely known may affect the accuracy of the OEE calculation. When evaluating the OEE, the user can decide how the pieces being taken over will be included in the OEE calculation (whether they will be included, ignored or counted according to the standard).
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
702. Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP)
The Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) indicator assesses the efficiency of equipment relative to calendar time (i.e. 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and 365 days per year) over the period under review. Total Effective Equipment Performance is calculated as the product of the Availability and Equipment Efficiency values. The derived TEEP indicator expresses the losses given by the production organisation. These losses are mainly caused by downtimes for which production is not planned (single or double shift production, holidays, public holidays, etc.).
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
703. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a quantitative indicator of the efficiency of production equipment and provides a measurable comparison of the efficiency of individual production equipment over a monitored period. Equipment Effectiveness is calculated as the product of Utilisation, Performance and Quality values. The efficiency of production equipment can be further evaluated in a reporting system or sent to Power BI.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
704. Loading (Availability)
Availability is defined as the ratio between the scheduled use of the machine according to the working calendar and the total calendar time. The openness of the PHARIS system offers the possibility of user creation of a wide range of work calendars and assigning them to individual machines or workplaces. Within the definition of work calendars it is possible to change working hours, shifts, holidays, define exceptions, etc.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
705. Utilization (Availability)
Utilization, which is part of the OEE evaluation, is defined as the ratio between the actual working time of the machine/workplace (production registrations) and the planned utilization of the machine according to the assigned working calendar – i.e. the expected running time of the machine/workplace.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
706. Performance
Output is defined as the ratio of units produced multiplied by the normative cycle time for the production of one unit to the total actual production time of the machine/workplace.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
707. Quality
Quality is expressed as the ratio between OK pieces produced and all pieces produced on the machine (OK + NOK).
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
708. Cycle-based efficiency (CTE)
The Cycle Time Effectiveness (CTE) indicator gives an overview of how much of the planned period the machine was actually running (production cycle). Cycle Time Effectiveness is defined as the ratio between the lengths of individual cycles and the planned use of the machine.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production Data collection
709. Downtime evaluation
Overview and evaluation of equipment downtime. The system provides an online overview and history of all downtime (including micro-downtime) that has taken place on a given device. To evaluate downtime, you can use the pareto downtime overview, downtime graphs or visualization of downtime on the timeline.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
710. Production Timeline
A timeline (Gantt chart) is a tool that provides a real-time view of events taking place in production. The timeline can also be used to track historical data (days and shifts in the past). The timeline clearly shows at what time selected types of events took place at selected facilities. In addition to events, individual machine cycles can also be monitored. By comparing the registrations of people on the machine and the machine cycles, we can check work and record discipline. By monitoring machine cycles, we can then evaluate fluctuations in the performance of day and night shifts, etc.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
711. User reporting
Reports from the Reporting Services reporting tool (MS SQL) are integrated in the MES PHARIS system. The system contains predefined reports falling into different modules of the system. Users can create their own reports (e.g. in the Report Builder) or modify predefined reports. The reports can then be inserted into different locations (pages) in the main system client or in the system production client (terminal).
Required modules:
Production monitoring
712. OEE Dashboard
Pre-prepared report with OEE indicators. The OEE Dashboard contains an overview of OEE indicators aggregated over a selected group of devices, as well as reports on OEE indicators for individual devices separately. The report includes an OEE loss analysis (identification of areas where OEE is lost).
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
713. OEE Progress
Pre-prepared report with the evolution of OEE indicators over time. In the report, you can define the monitored period, data sampling (hour, shift, day, week, etc.), aggregation function for OEE calculation for a group of devices, variant of the algorithm for calculation, etc.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
714. Tool change overview
Pre-prepared report with an overview of tool changes by persons (who performed the change), by tools (which were changed), by machines (on which the tool was changed).
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
715. Operator work overview
Pre-prepared report with a list of work performed by the operator (according to registrations for operations) for the selected period.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
716. Overview of material over-consumption
Pre-prepared report with a list of over-consumption. Over-consumption occurs, for example, during machine adjustment and is recorded in the system by the adjuster.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
717. PPH
Pre-prepared data source for the PPH (Pieces Per Hour) report. This is an overview of the pieces produced on a given machine in each hour of the day/shift.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Data collection
718. Hodinový výkona718. Hourly performance
Pre-prepared data source for the Hourly Performance report. This is a summary of expected and actual performance at each hour of the day/shift. The report takes into account the different standards when different number of operators work together.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Data collection
719. SPC analysis
Evaluation and review of process capability and performance indicators for statistical process control (SPC).
Required modules:
Production monitoring Data collection
720. Technological value history
The MES system evaluates on-line the collected technological data from production equipment, peripheral devices, control stations…
Data can be stored not only for a device or a tool, but also in the context of a production operation for a specific product, thus contributing to traceability in terms of compliance with technological parameters. The historized values can be further processed (visualized as graphs in Trends) or exported for further processing in external systems.
Required modules:
Extended communication with machines Data collection
721. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) indicator determines the expected time between failures of a given device, or the average time without failures over a defined monitoring period. In the case of production equipment, it is calculated as the actual time without failures on the equipment divided by the number of failures. The number of failures is the number of Failure events in the Maintenance module in a given time period.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
722. Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
The Mean Time To Repairs (MTTR) indicator determines the expected value of repair time (the average time to repair or replace a device or component) over a defined reporting period. In the case of production equipment, it is calculated as the actual time for all failures and repairs divided by the number of failures and repairs. The number of failures is the number of events of type Failure in the Maintenance module in a given time period.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
723. Machine cycle history
The machine cycle history is an overview of the cycles performed on machines via selected production commands, persons or production equipment. The report evaluates the number of cycles, the mean cycle time, the shortest and the longest cycle time for the selected time period. Machine cycles are evaluated separately across production commands and operations.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production Data collection
724. Display of historized data
There are two basic ways of displaying recorded technological values in the MES system.
1. In the form of a table that can be customized and exported to xls, csv.
2. Graphically, using the dynamic Trends component. This allows the user to create any number of charts divided into individual tabs. By means of custom modifications it is possible to select any technological parameter or predefined group of parameters for each graph. The graphic component also enables on-line display, i.e. it mirrors in real time the technological values that are currently on the machines. This mode is widely used by technologists to monitor and modify machine behaviour, e.g. in case of increased scrap.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production Data collection
725. Presence evaluation
An overview of all events and work activities (production, downtime, adjustments, inspections…) that the operator has performed. PHARIS offers the possibility of automatic data retrieval from the attendance system. In conjunction with the data from the attendance system, the ratio of time spent on the workplace to the productive activity on the workplace can be monitored. The data can be further evaluated in the reporting system or sent to Power BI.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
726. Performance
For each operator/service, the total performance can be tracked as a percentage over all production activities for the selected time period. In addition, performance can be monitored and evaluated across individual activities and individual labour inputs separately. Performance analyses can be carried out in the main MES PHARIS client, or each operator can view their performance directly on the production terminal at the workplace. The data can be further evaluated in the reporting system or sent to Power BI.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
727. Deviation
The operator’s work performance may be affected by external objective circumstances. The operator has the possibility to log the deviation on the terminal by selecting from a predefined dial. In the system, the performance indicators of the person working in deviation mode can then be treated differently (for example, in the wage calculation documents). In a summary overview, it is possible to monitor the ratio of activities performed in deviation mode. A deviation may be, for example, a slower cycle time of the equipment due to the use of a lower quality tool.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
728. Quality
For each operator, the overall production quality can be monitored across all production activities for a selected time period. It is also possible to monitor the quality of production over individual activities and individual labour inputs separately. Quality is expressed as the ratio between the output of quality products and the output of all products. Quality can be further evaluated in the reporting system or sent to Power BI.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
729. Downtime ratio
For each operator, you can track the downtime associated with that person. This is either downtime on production equipment that occurred while the operator was working, or downtime related to the person only (not related to production equipment, e.g. assembly/completion). The ratio of downtime can be expressed in a graph or pareto evaluation. Downtime can be further evaluated in the reporting system or sent to Power BI.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
801. Calling for inspection
The operator can initiate a control call from the production client environment, which can be visualized on large screens or used to trigger an alarm (especially for escalation of outstanding calls). The call can only be terminated from the terminal (this ensures that the person called has actually arrived at the workplace).
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
802. Automatic recording of defective production
PHARIS takes information about non-conforming cycles/pieces from the machine or automatic inspection station. It assigns to them predefined types of non-conformities or non-conformities reported by the machine.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
803. Production genealogy/traceability
Overview of the overall history of the production order. Information about all registrations, persons, machines, etc. that have participated in the production of the production order.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
804. Piece genealogy/traceability
An overview of all production operations associated with a piece marked with a unique identification. For each piece, process and technological information from the production of that piece is available. For each piece, information on quality, type of non-conformity, operators, packaging, production cycle, etc. is provided.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
805. Production order genealogy
Overview of the overall history of the production order. Information about all registrations, persons, machines, etc. that have participated in the production of the production order.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
806. Piece genealogy
An overview of all production operations associated with a piece marked with a unique identification. For each piece, process and technological information from the production of that piece is available. For each piece, information on quality, type of non-conformity, operators, packaging, production cycle, etc. is provided.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production logistics Production
807. Unique identification of pieces
The system can provide comprehensive traceability for each piece, which is assigned a unique identifier by MES PHARIS.
We usually use a QR or barcode to mark the piece.
For each ID, the system keeps a complete genealogy of the production – i.e. version of the technological process, equipment, people, technological parameters, controls, input materials, including comprehensive traceability of the production of semi-finished products.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
808. Printing labels for pieces with unique identification
For pieces with unique identification, the system automatically (with the machine cycle) prints identification labels (with piece identification and other additional information). Alternatively, ID labels (QR or barcode) are printed up front and the operator or machine logically links these labels to the specific product by reading the identifier.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
809. Recording processing of pieces with unique identification
We usually use a QR or barcode to mark the piece. For each ID, the system keeps a complete genealogy of production – i.e. version of the technological process, equipment, people, technological parameters, controls, input materials, including complex traceability of semi-finished products production.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production Data collection
810. Conditional fulfillment and transfer of packaging
The filling of packaging with products and the subsequent warehouse transfer of packaging depends on the qualification (level of training) of the operator. For example: packages filled with products of a less qualified operator go to the 100% control workplace, while packages filled with products of a higher qualified operator are moved to the dispatch warehouse, etc. Admin definition of warehouse moves and training levels.
Required modules:
Production logistics Production
811. Training record of employees
MES PHARIS enables the management of the process of qualification/training of operators for individual production operations.
The system can record the training of workers for process operations (machine/product/activity). The training level dial is user-editable. The impact on system functionalities can be set for each training level. It is possible to specify the level of training – e.g. production, production + inspection, etc. It is possible to set an expiry time for each training, usually 6 months from the date the operator last produced on the operation.
Required modules:
812. Controlled training process for employees
The system manages the process of qualification/training of operators for production operations. The system allows to prevent the production of unqualified operators.
Training can be created by simultaneous registration of a trainer and an untrained person as an auxiliary operator after a defined training period. Alternatively, a training record can be created in the main MES PHARIS client. The qualification matrix can be imported from an external system – usually ERP.
Required modules:
813. Training inspection of employees
In the system, it is only possible to authorise production (registration for a production order) to those workers who are trained for the operation (machine/product/activity). Depending on the level of training, workers can perform different activities (setup, production, production with restrictions, …). Workers electronically confirm their training record when they first register.
Required modules:
814. Change management of technological processes
Technological procedures are recorded in versions and variants. A change management system (versioning, verification and approval) can be applied to technological procedures. Changes in technological procedures are logged and traceable in the audittrail module (who, when, from where, original value, new value…).
Required modules:
815. Scrap tracking document
A pre-prepared report with a list of non-conforming pieces that have been produced within the given workload. Identification of types of non-conformities.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
816. Overview of scrap rates
Pre-prepared report with an overview of the scrappage rate for the selected time period.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
817. Control plan
One of the tools for quality management is the control plan. The inspection plan alerts the operators (operators, inspectors, adjusters, …) to the necessity to carry out inspection tasks. The control plan is implemented by means of the control steps of the operation. The control plan can therefore be set individually for each operation, product or workplace. Each action from the control plan can be notified by means of a notification on the production client (terminal), a system message (internal, email, SMS), or on the visualization screen or, for example, by lighting a beacon.
Required modules:
818. Complaints
Corrective measures resulting from complaints, for example, are communicated electronically to production personnel via production clients (terminals). When a new registration is made, the operator is notified and has to confirm that he is aware of the new measures relating to the complaint. These notifications are part of the “e-learning” of the staff and are implemented in the MES PHARIS system by means of change records for the operations.
Required modules:
819. Parameter alarming
The system monitors the exceedance of limit values for the monitored parameters. Limit values can be defined for different parameters and different products individually. Exceedance of limit parameters is visible on the production terminals and in the main client of the system. Exceeding the defined limits can be responded to by automatically triggering an alarm.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
820. Input component inspection
The input control functionality is used to monitor the input components and provides a check for the input of the correct components for the product and the production order operation. Incorrect or non-entered input is alarmed and, depending on the settings, can lead to stopping the production equipment. Through this process, production with incorrect input (e.g. material) is prevented and scrap production is avoided. The loading of input material can be limited by time conditions (e.g. within X minutes after the start of production, always after X pieces have been produced, etc.). Non-compliance may result in e.g. alerting the operator, calling for help, blocking the work output or stopping the machine.
Required modules:
Production Data collection
821. SCP analysis
Evaluation and review of process capability and performance indicators for statistical process control (SPC).
Required modules:
Production Data collection
822. External applications, SPC
The system allows you to run an external application on the production terminal directly from the production client. It is possible to pass predefined parameters to the external application. For example, the PALSTAT application can be used for SPC evaluation, which can be launched from the MES PHARIS terminal with the parameters operator ID, product and production operation.
Required modules:
823. Balance and evaluation of production quality
Evaluate production quality by product, production order, equipment and operator. The quality evaluation provides information on the number of conforming units, non-conforming units, type of non-conformity, percentage of rejects, frequency and proportion of types of non-conformity, most common cause of non-conformity, etc. In addition to summary information on production quality, an overview of individual occurrences of rejects (time, person, product, machine, type of non-conformity, …) is also available.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
824. Operational evaluation of production quality
Thanks to the online registration of non-conforming production (manually via the terminal or automatically from machines and inspection stations), the development of production quality can be monitored operatively. On production terminals or visualization screens, the current rejection rate, the trend of rejection rate development, the comparison of the rejection rate of the current shift with the previous shift, etc. can be monitored. In addition, messages can be used to react, for example, to successive non-conformities of the same type that require operational intervention by the adjuster, etc.
Required modules:
Production monitoring Production
901. Implementation of maintenance request at the production terminal.
If maintenance is performed directly on a machine that has an assigned Pharis production terminal, this activity can be recorded directly in the production client. The technician on the terminal can see all the activities defined for the maintenance and can confirm their execution step by step. The last activity is then the termination of the request, which can be followed by the generation of a new request, in the case of automatically generated maintenance.
Required modules:
Production Maintenance
902. Option for multiple types of maintenance on one machine or mold.
Pharis offers the possibility to perform several types of maintenance on one machine. For example, maintenance of mechanical, electrical or pneumatic components. Another distinction can be, for example, small, large and general maintenance. Each maintenance has its own specifics, including time or cycle resolution. The individual requirements are completely autonomous, but can also be adjusted depending on the current state of the machine.
Required modules:
903. Automatic notification of upcoming maintenance dates.
For each maintenance request, you can set an alert for upcoming maintenance. For requests scheduled over time this is the time, for requests scheduled based on the number of cycles this is the number of cycles before the scheduled maintenance. Alerts for upcoming maintenance are usually sent by e-mail to the address of the responsible person.
Required modules:
904. Display of planned maintenance overview.
The generated maintenance requests can be displayed in a clear table, which can then be sorted and sorted by time resolution. This way we can see which maintenance is due in the coming days and weeks. This allows us to better prepare and plan individual activities.
Required modules: